Lezing: De situatie van doven in Afrika

12-06-2012 algemeen

Op dinsdag 19 juni 2012 organiseren International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) en Kentalis International een openbare lezing met als titel 'The situation of the Deaf in Africa', Challenges to participation in society.

Mr. Mukuma Chikwata uit Zambia zal de lezing verzorgen.

Summary on the content of the lecture
Mukuma Chikwata will provide information on the situation of Deaf education in Africa, covering primary, secondary and tertiary education opportunities and challenges. Due to his experience he can provide an insight into the situation in the rural as well as in the urban areas and into the obstacles for proper participation in social, economic and political life in contemporary African societies.

Mr. Mukuma Chikwata has worked in Deaf Education since twenty years, obtained a general Teacher Education diploma in 1993, followed by a Certificate degree in 1997 and a Diploma degree in 2004 in special needs education. He was the first Deaf student to train at Zambia National Institute for Special Needs Education (ZAMISE). In 2007, Mukuma Chikwata was elected by the Deaf People to be the President of Zambia National Association of the Deaf (ZNAD) and also the same year the Zambian Minister of Community Development Mother and Child Health appointed him to be a member of the Board of Directors to represents the Zambian Deaf Community on the board of Zambia Agency for Persons with Disabilities (ZAPD).

'The situation of the Deaf in Africa', Challenges to participation in society
Datum: dinsdag 19 juni 2012
Tijd: 16.00 – 18.00 uur
Locatie: ISS, Kortenaeerkade 12 te Den Haag
De voertaal van deze lezing is Engels. Er zijn gebarentolken aanwezig.

Interesse om hierbij aanwezig te zijn? Meld u dan aan via kennisevenementen@kentalis.nl


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